Isotopes for Quantum Applications
CIL offers a series of isotopically enriched quantum-grade (QG) gas and molecules for various quantum applications.
Quantum magnetometers, quantum key distribution (QKD), and future innovations like quantum computers and quantum internet rely on nitrogen-vacancy center diamonds, also known as NV centers or color centers diamonds. Regardless of the method used to synthetize these NV centers diamonds, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT), they required ultrahigh-purity starting material, highly enriched in 12C and very low nitrogen content. Over the last decades, CIL has worked tirelessly with the best academic labs and diamond-industry leaders to provide a starting material compatible with their applications.
After extensive testing in multiple academic labs, institutes, and industry in USA, Europe, Asia, and Australia, CIL has decided to offer a quantum-grade 12C methane: 12C Methane QG-alpha™.
CIL’s 12C methane QG-alpha material offers 99.99% (2N5) 12C enrichment and 3 ppm or less of nitrogen content.
Catalogue number: CLM-392-ULN.
More quantum-grade products will follow.
For comments or suggestion regarding this product or other quantum-grade products you would like to review, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Catalog No. | Description |
CLM-3590-PK | Methane (13C, 99.9%) |
NLM-363-PK | Nitrogen (15N2, 98%+) |
XELM-430-PK | Xenon (129XE, 99%) |
RBLM-4413-PK | Rubidium-87 cloride (87Rb) |
SILM-3582-PK | Silicon-28 dioxide (28Si) |
SILM-4517-PK | Silicon-30 dioxide (30Si) |
BLM-1546-PK |
Boron-10 metal(10B, 92-99%)
BLM-1504-PK |
Boron-11 metal (11B, 99%)